Pies, Pies, and More Pies

While many people think turkey is the staple in a Thanksgiving meal, we all know the dessert is why we all love Thanksgiving. A delicious slice of pumpkin pie topped with whipped cream? It doesn’t get much better than that, or maybe it does! Imagine those delicious homemade pies Grandma used to make freshly-made for your Thanksgiving dinner. Let us join you at your Thanksgiving table with our fan-favorite homemade pies!

From Our Kitchen to Your Table

Let’s face it, the holidays are a busy time of year and you have a lot going on. From getting your house ready for everyone coming to stay with you to planning out events for everyone to stay entertained, it’s a lot. On top of that, you are expected to make a homemade pie, too. It is just too much!

We will be the first to say making pies from scratch is no easy task. We have spent the last 40 years perfecting our pie making skills. Sounds a little crazy? Well, Brookfields derived from Lee Manolakas’ Bradshaws Restaurants, and those opened in 1891! In the 40 years of being the local eatery we are today, we have obtained the perfect crust to filling ratio for all pie lovers! 

Brookfield’s Apple and Berry homemade pies found in Sacramento, Rancho Cordova, and Roseville.

Now just imagine the delicious, individual deep dish pies that are available all year long at our restaurants but made into sharing sizes for the holidays! Not only do we offer the daily pie flavors sold in Sacramento, Rancho Cordova, and Roseville, but also special holiday flavors. Take a look at all of the flavors we offer in full size pies:

  • Pumpkin  
  • Cherry
  • Pecan
  • Apple

How can your holiday go without one of these tasty treats?

Picky Eaters in the House?

No worries! We have other sweet treats to pick from, as well! A crowd pleaser is our cheesecake that you can take home and pair with any berry of your choice to give a fun new flavor! We also have carrot cake and Mrs. M’s Pumpkin Cobbler available for pre-order. Talk about flavor!

How it Works

It is so easy! Simply contact your local Brookfield restaurant and pre-order your pies! Whether you are feeding a party of 1 or a party of 25, our pies and holiday cakes will please just about everyone. Just click the button below and it will take you to your local Brookfields.

Did you know?

Did you know that Brookfields Restaurants use solar power? Learn more about our commitment to wholesome food and a healthy community on the Quality Standards page.

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